Violence is within you
Violence is within you.
society is free from violence, in a life time once you face violence against
you in any form and in the developing country like ours we have facing
different kinds of violence from the time of birth where some of the scholars highlights
that the tradition of name giving to you after your birth is also a violence as
the society dominant over you, please think once, are you happy with the name
given to you? May be or may not be but you may want your name in different way,
may be not all of you but some may be as we all know exception is everywhere.
Later you face different unwanted activities over you where our culture,
tradition, social beliefs, religion, economic condition, political situation,
technological boom and miss use of technology, psychological behavior, sexual
desires and more entity of our society plays a key role over the violence by
saying this I am not willing intentionally to blame the whole cycle of the
society but some of its characteristics reflects the violence. Where in the
context of Nepal, violence is everywhere but major effects goes to women who
suffers more in number. We do have a
misconception within us as while we talk about violence we
mostly imaging it’s a violence against women but it’s not only that we
can have a many evidences where violence against man were faced as well as
violence over LGBITQ and women are also
there in the society. Every time man is not only the cause and reason of the
violence where most of the people thoughts that male is main cause, but every
human entity in society is responsible for the violence, just for an example,
let us look at the micro level of the society where a mother-in-law enforce her
daughter in law for different kind pressure work, work load stress, torture and
so many which is most common in society
like ours as well on the same time
violence against man also can be seen where no. in comparison VAW is more.
Where the violence against the LGBTIQ is everywhere in society like ours. So,
here we mainly we focused over the domestic violence against women, which is
the major effected part of social development.
against women and girl (VAWG) is a global epidemic that kills, tortures and
psychologically, sexually & economically. VAWG takes several forms. It also
includes domestic violence; women are not safe even in their own home. Every
human being has basic right to live in their home peacefully, but women’s basic
right is isolated due to violence.
There are only two previous small-scale population-based studies
conducted in Nepal that document nonconsensual sexual experiences reported by
young women. First, a small study conducted by Women’s Rehabilitation Centre
(WOREC) with 60 women in the Udayapur and Kathmandu districts of Nepal, showed
that 50% of women reported having experienced nonconsensual sex in marriage.
This study found that many married women experience sexual violence from the
day of their wedding (Women’s Rehabilitation Centre, 2002). Another study
conducted among young female factory workers in Nepal showed that 1 in 10
reported being victims of sexual coercion (Puri & Cleland, 2007).
In 2007, the Government of Nepal has recognized the problem of
SVWM and made a law that acknowledges forced sex by a husband to his wife as a
form of marital rape and has made provision of punishment of sentence to jail
for 3 to 6 months depending on the type of sexual violence (Government of
Nepal, 2007).
against the women is rooted in the structural inequalities between men and
women. And the cases of child marriage is high in the Nepalese context even
though different agencies are working to reduce the child marriage and this is
one of the cause for violence where the use of the alcohol and drugs are the
primary cause in some of ethnic groups mainly in the areas where such alcohol
and other kind of drugs are consumed in unmannered way where unemployment and the
unfair salary for the same time period of work (economic violence) and lack of
political awareness and education and lack economic generating involvement of
women, uneducated, sexual dissatisfaction, lack of public awareness, lack of
the legal provision, poverty, socio-cultural factors, traditional beliefs :
“Husband are God” and foreign employment, gender inequality, supremacy of men
and love marriage and sexual dissatisfaction of the husband and lack of the
development are the secondary cause and the violence against the women where
the foreign migration of husband for employment is also playing the sever role
in violence. And men are not only responsible for the violence against women
where women themselves are also responsible. The culture and mindset that men
are consider superior to women is the hidden cause, which is mostly consider as
the psychological behavior and stereotype beliefs and the growing culture of
using technological and social sites as a right to information and
entertainment where its negative impact to the society can be visualized
through the different way but we can’t judge it from its drawbacks it’s the
miss conception among the people those who misuse their rights of information.
Where on the same time we can find some kind of myths among the users of cellphone
who is playing critical role in the promotion of violence. The common form of
the violence seen in the community were physical assaults, verbal abuse, family
boycott and mental torture and in some cases sexual violence, rape and attempt
to rape, variation in wages. Where women’s involvement in decision making is
rare in the case of rural family and joint family where the male plays a vital
role even if the women are in level of decision making in some cases they are
the mother-in-law in case where the daughter-in-law have to face certain type
of bias which is also a form violence in micro level.
if we develop a social mobility mapping we can see that most of the women are
working for more than 16 hours per day but still they are performing non paid
work where on the same time male partner can earn and he can rule over the same
person who is working for 16 hours without any economic benefits, even in the
urban society if both of the partner are working for salary
after work and before work female
partner should prepared food, look after children and many other household
activities need to be performed by the women. We can see that in some of the
rural society that the female are allowed to keep the money earned by their male
members of family as they are the saving pot where they are not allowed to make
decision of the money which are kept safely by themselves. They need to ask for
the male or to those who are the bread feeder, which brings conflict over self that
is a micro form of violence, we
never should understand that violence is
only see it also can be felt at individual level, as stress, tension,
disturbance are violence at individual level or within self.
religion promoted patriarchal values and stipulate, superior status of men and
dominance of men in comparison to women, it also encourage stereotype behavior:
i.e. silence of women and control, power, aggression and superiority of men.
“Domestic violence is subset of violence” and domestic violence normally considered that violence which is
caused within family. Domestic violence can be both structural and direct like
bokshee pratha in Nepali culture.
The causes of domestic violence are intimate partners, family,
society and community where the consequences of domestic violence are physical
effects, social effects, mental effects and emotional effects. The forms of
violence can be
categorize in different ways as they can
be make specific or general, where I have seen it in following forms
Sexual violence: - Rape/ Attempt rape/ touching sexual and sensitive organs and
gazing over the boobs, tits, getting
pleasure by rubbing with sexual organs,
unwanted sex, forced sex etc.
Physical violence:- Beating/ punishment etc.
Economic / Financial
violence:- different wage for same work, boycott
economic benefits, unpaid works, economic rights (property rights)
Psychological violence:- torture/ scold/ hectic behavior, quarrel, black mailing and
more like
Social/ cultural/
traditional Violence:- Bitch concept, dowry
system, early marriage, social boycott,
untouchability, impurity, Chhaupadi
Political Violence:- less emphasis on participation, quota variation,
Technological Violence: - violence attempted through use of technology, bluff call,
visual porn, publicized different pictures in social media in fake name and
many more.
are more likely to be victimized by someone that they are intimate with,
commonly called "Intimate Partner Violence”. Impact of domestic violence
in the sphere of total violence against women can be understood through the
example that 40–70% of murders of women are committed by their husband or
boyfriend. Studies have shown that violence is not always perpetrated as a form
of physical violence but can also be psychological and verbal.
In unmarried relationships this is
commonly called dating violence, whereas in the context of marriage it is
called domestic violence. Instances of IPV tend not to be reported to police
and thus many experts believe that the true magnitude of the problem is hard to
estimate. Women are much more likely than men to be murdered
by an intimate partner
Though this form of violence is
often portrayed as an issue within the context of heterosexual relationships,
it also occurs in lesbian relationships, daughter-mother relationships,
roommate relationships and other domestic relationships involving two women
like mother in law and daughter in law (sasu and bhuwari).
overall goal of presenting paper is to reflect the situation of violence,
causes and its consequences forward to solve and reduce the violence against
all human beings where that may be to
anybody, this paper assess the violence
situation and the root cause among the people in the ground level of the
is not inevitable. We can do much to address and prevent it. The individuals,
families and communities whose lives each year are shattered by it can be
safeguarded, and the root causes of violence tackled to produce a healthier
society for all. The world has not yet fully measured the size of this task and
does not yet have all the tools to carry it out. But the global knowledge base
is growing and much useful experience has already been gained. This paper only
attempts to contribute to the knowledge base. It is hoped that the paper will
inspire and facilitate increased cooperation, innovation and commitment to
preventing violence around the world and it will be considered as the
achievement in the field of violence against women, where the violence against
women is the major obstacle for the development of any sector and it brings
very critical situation towards the society where we exists.
States have an affirmative duty to protect the human rights of
women and they must exercise due diligence to prevent violence against women.
Because of the nature of violence against women, its prevalence, persistence
and high incidence throughout the world, States must develop expansive
strategies in order to fulfill their international obligations effectively.
Some of the following strategies that may cope to reduce the
violence if that can be incorporated into national initiatives against domestic
violence and considerations that States should contemplate when taking steps to
address domestic violence:
Reduction of poverty
Reduce inequality between groups and ethnic community
Reduce the gap between gender
State should ratify the international human rights instrument
Awareness program should be launched and primary prevention should
be developed
Transparent and quick response to victim should be provided
States should ensure women's economic empowerment through equal
remuneration for equal work and increased job opportunities for women, as well
as equal rights to property, inheritance and family income;
Education facilities and system should be more practical where grass
root people can be aware.
This is only the context represent the violence where if it is not
addressed in a proper way it may generates the conflict at different level and
it grows in a huge disorder which is very hard to address, timely management
and reduction as well as address and implementation of the law that are early
developed and need to make some strong rules and regulation, so, that every
individual can feel the peace within self and the prosperity and development of
the society will take a lead.
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